Top 5 HR Articles for April 2017

HR News

Top 5 HR Articles for April 2017

As summer is slowly approaching, I find myself getting busier and busier – with less and less time for reading.

However, I had to read quite a few articles to get this blog written. Therefore, I am so glad for this series, as it ensures that I keep myself up to date with HR news and trends. However, if you are too busy to read too many articles, check out the top 5 HR articles for April and maybe you can start from here!

1) Got a New Staffer? 10 Ways to Make Them Welcome and Productive By Entrepreneur Staff

This is actually the first article I have read from the Entrepreneur Staff, and it’s good! The topic addressed is very valuable for all companies, regardless of your size or industry. It can be considered a part of your onboarding process.

Adding to a team can be tricky. So, they asked 10 entrepreneurs: How do you welcome new employees and make them part of your culture? These points are concluded from their study:

1. Sweat the small stuff.
2. Pair off.
3. Include partners.
4. Make lunch dates.
5. Get ’em moving.
6. Show, don’t tell.
7. Get social.
8. Caffeinate them.
9. Yield the floor.
10. Party remotely.

Read more here: https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/290458

2) How to make your one-on-one meetings more Effective by David Hassel

One-on-one meetings are more common than before in huge companies to promote the relationship between employees. However, many managers still treat them as a nice-to-have or cancel them in lieu of other matters.

David also recently hosted a webinar with Jonathan Raymond, CEO at Refound, and author of Good Authority: How to Become the Leader Your Team Is Waiting For. Some common issues regarding one-on-one meetings were mentioned in the webinar, and they even offered tactical advice for structuring and guiding one on one meetings.

There is a link to the entire 70 minute webinar, where you can learn valuable strategies and tactics for holding more effective one-on-one meetings.

Read more here: http://www.humanresourcestoday.com/?open-article-id=6506123&article-title=how-to-make-your-one-on-one-meetings-more-effective&blog-domain=15five.com&blog-title=15five

3) A Scorecard to Help You Compare Two Jobs by Allison Rimm

This is a very good and practical read for all job seekers out there! Choosing a career has always been a big life decision to make. Whether it’s your first ever job or you’re considering switching jobs, you never know what the right choice to make is.

For Allison to help her clients take an objective look at decidedly subjective considerations, she developed a tool that allows them to quantify and visualize the pros and cons of various choices — considering the impact each would have on matters of both heart and head.

Check out the article to have a look at the career decision scorecard. There are even a few real-life examples shared in the article!

Read more here: https://hbr.org/2017/04/a-scorecard-to-help-you-compare-two-jobs

4) 5 Smart Ways Entrepreneurs Can Spot Promising Potential Hires by KC AGU

This article is for employers instead. It’s never simple to look for the next great hire as well. Read this article to find out some tips to find the right person.

Getting the right people cannot always be solved by searching for people on job boards and offering them too much money to refuse. KC outlined a few unconventional ways of searching out the right talent for your business that go beyond posting an opening online and hoping for the best.

Here are the following tips:

1. Realize that all your employees constitute a human resources (HR) team
2. Invest in a paid internship program
3. Increase hiring search specificity via relevant local chapters and associations
4. Look within your company
5. Target your competitors’ employees

Read more here: https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/289393

5) Staff Turnover Is Draining Your Company by Zechariah Newman

Your employees are your customers and the lifeblood of your business. Invest in their development, so they’ll keep putting their talent and training to work for you. Candidate experience and employee engagement have been on the front line for most HR departments now. If you are wondering how you can improve your employee engagement in this case, this article is for you.

Zechariah started turning things around by implementing a few key guidelines. In the 10 years since, he can’t recall having an employment crisis, and he is proud to claim a nucleus of employees who continue to deliver at a high level. Therefore, I am certain you will not go wrong by investing in the following areas:

1. Create a positive culture.
2. Care for your team members.
3. Toe the line.
4. Support your employees.
5. Pay your workers.

Read more here: https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/290486