Tips for Finding a Summer Job

Job Seeker

Tips for Finding a Summer Job

Summer is slowly approaching, and if you are hoping for a good job this summer, you better start searching! Looking for a job is easy, but securing one is not.

Here are some tips for looking for a summer job.

1) Start Early

Stop waiting and start looking for a job early. Don’t wait until school ends or you are ready to start work. By then, it will be too late, and you will get easily flustered if you are rushed.

2) Use Your Network

Talk to everyone you know—your friends, family, and even school teachers. They might be able to connect you with someone, and that gives you an extra advantage in securing a job. The people you know will be more than happy to help, so don’t be afraid to approach them.

3) Don’t Rule Out Unpaid Internships

An internship might be extremely beneficial for you, especially if you are a student. Rather than serving coffee at a nearby café, it would look a lot better on your resume if you work an unpaid internship with a big company. That great experience might pay off in future when it comes to looking for a long-term job.

4) Know Your Dream Job

You need to know if you have an ideal or specific type of job that you are looking for. This knowledge will allow you to focus your search, thereby increasing your chances. You should also consider other factors regarding your potential job. For example, how long will you be travelling to get to work? Is the job good for your portfolio?

5) Broaden Your Horizons

There are more jobs in this world than you know. Broaden your horizons and do not focus on that one dream job. As much as it is nice to be chasing your dream, it does not hurt to venture into other industries as well. Learning about a different industry may lead you to consider new careers, so don’t rule out jobs that may not seem like a perfect match.

6) Think Seasonally

When a huge event is happening in town, that might be the best place to start. For example, music festivals will always be hiring for the event. Tourist attractions such as amusement parks and museums will hire more during the peak season.

7) Online Job Sites

With advanced technology, many companies turn to the internet to advertise a vacancy. Web sites such as Monster and LinkedIn have proven to be extremely useful when it comes to a job search. You can also join groups on Facebook where people post job openings. Feel free to also post on your social media to share that you are actively looking for a job.

8) “Shop-Hopping”

Even though you have searched for jobs online and asked around your network, there are still job openings that are not published online. For example, small local businesses often don’t advertise online. Also, making a personal appearance could be a plus for you.

9) Résumé

Get your résumé ready and prepare to shine. Check out our previous blog posts to find out what you should include in and exclude from your CV.

10) Don’t Get Discouraged

Failing during your job search is extremely normal, so do not let that get to you. You may be competing with someone better, but that does not mean that you will never find a job. Don’t give up and continue proactively looking for jobs!