Human-Centered Recruitment – A Meaningful Experience for Both Candidates and Recruiters
Candidate Experience
We’ve all heard - or worse - experienced recruitment horror stories: ghosting candidates, sending thank-you-but-no-thank-you -emails to the wrong people, not receiving any feedback, recruiters showing up to interviews unprepared or late…
…but most of the time it’s not the recruiting person at fault. Limited time and resources combined with the lack of proper tools can be the main culprit behind a bad candidate experience.
This begs the question: is it impossible to recruit efficiently, yet with a human touch?
Our answer is an astounding “no”! These horror stories can be transformed into positive candidate experiences that help you create a memorable employer brand and ensure talent-driven growth.
Here’s how to do it.
“I had applied for a summer job when I was still a university student. A YEAR later I received a thanks-but-no-thanks message in my email. I had already graduated by then, and even moved to another country. Where was my application lost all this time… I don’t think I want to apply there as a graduated professional.”
Contacting all the applicants individually through the phone or email might be a good idea if you have less than, let’s say, 20 applicants per month. But when your position attracts a higher volume of applicants, it becomes more and more time-consuming to keep everyone in the loop.
This is when AI becomes your best friend. It helps you craft and send timely messages during the recruitment process, and makes sure no candidate is forgotten.
With AI watching your back, you can spend more time on the area that really matters: communicating with the candidates that are most suitable for the position you are hiring for.
Booking interviews can be a hassle as well, when you have a plethora of candidates you’d like to get to know better. With Talent Adore Hire you can easily book and schedule interviews with multiple candidates. You can interview candidates in the way that suits the recruitment at hand the best: via video, face-to-face or by utilizing group interviews.
And it all helps you build your employer brand as well: job seekers appreciate streamlined and clear recruitment processes.
And remember: any information or updates are always better than no information or updates at all.
Sometimes you find the perfect cultural match, but the timing is not right. Or they would be a great fit for some other role than the one you are currently hiring. Or maybe they were the runner-up in a very close recruitment process.
You’ve found a person that you would love to hire, but can’t right now, for one reason or another. With TalentAdore, you can build a Talent Community to store and nurture your potential future employees and people interested in your company.
You can simultaneously provide value for your runner-ups and other potential candidates AND potentially reduce the lead time of future recruitments – what’s there not to love?
“I didn’t get the job I applied for because the company’s recruitment needs changed during the process. Instead of just ghosting me, they explained the situation comprehensively over the phone, and even gave me a gift card afterwards as a thank you for my time. All in all, the company made me feel valued, and I still think highly of them. And what’s more: I would definitely recommend them to others!”
All candidates deserve to be heard and understood. Whether they get hired or not, a good experience will help you build a valuable employer brand and lower your recruitment costs.
Rejecting candidates doesn’t have to be harsh — timely, personalized feedback and good communication go a long way. Even if a candidate gets rejected, a positive experience with your company will leave them with a pleasant vibe, and they are likely to tell their friends and network about their good experience.
And there isn’t a better referee in recruiting than a rejected candidate, who can still wholeheartedly recommend you to others.
Do you want to join our mission in bringing the Human Touch back to recruitment? Request a demo or contact us and we’ll take it from there!
“TalentAdore enables candidate friendly communication. Using TalentAdore, our recruitment process became 40% more efficient.” – Kai Kaasalainen, CEO, Tamro