Curriculum Vitae VS Resume

Job Seeker

Curriculum Vitae VS Resume

Everyone has to write a CV (Curriculum Vitae) or résumé at one point of their life. But do you know the difference between both documents?

People often think that CV and résumé are the same thing. This is a grave mistake as you might be submitting the wrong document during your job application. Some employers might also be confused between these two documents. Read this article to find out the three differences between a CV and a résumé.

1) Purpose

A Curriculum Vitae (CV) actually means course of life in Latin. It tends to be pretty in-depth, containing very detailed information about your achievements, education and experience etc. The purpose is to impress potential employers with all the things you have done in your life. As well as including all the normal information that is in the résumé, you should include other areas like professional licenses or certifications, letters of recommendations etc.

The goal of a résumé is to make an individual stand out from the competition. The job seeker should adapt the résumé to every position they apply for. It is in the applicant’s interest to change the résumé from one job application to another and to tailor it to the needs of the specific post.

2) Length

The length of the CV is often at least five pages so that you can list extensively all the relevant details that are required. If you are a professional in your field, your Curriculum Vitae may even be twenty pages. Basically, the longer your work history, the longer your CV would be. The overall impression that you should be giving is that you have a great deal of experience and achievements. This way, you will be considered as a potential candidate for the job you are applying for.

The length of the résumé is often concise and less than five pages. A résumé will include relevant details for the job that you are specifically applying for. It can be said to be a summary of your achievements and experiences. However, it should definitely include enough of the essential information for you to get the job. Some employers are very specific about what they want to see in your résumé since it is only going to be a portion of your life. Follow the instructions given by the employers clearly and provide them with the information they want.

3) Layout

A CV has a clear chronological order of all the information that you are providing. The layout for a CV can be something like “Education, Cultural Experiences, Career” etc. It should be very detailed and organised so that it is simple for the employers to find what they are looking for. A CV should be standardised and used for all types of job positions, the differentiating factor for each job applications would be in the cover letter.

A résumé should show how you as the job applicant fulfill the job requirements. The information should be shuffled around so that the most important details are put first. Also, you should take this chance to put your most outstanding skills right at the top to create a lasting first impression. In conclusion, three major differences between a CV and a résumé are the purpose, length and layout, while the single main difference is that a CV is intended to be a full record of your life and a résumé is a brief, targeted list of skills and achievements that is related to the job.